Tag: fantasy series

book review

Book Review: VEIL Online (Book 2)

VEIL ONLINE (BOOK 2) by John Cressman is an MMORPG journey with magic, laughs, and surprises. Check out what Alexandria Ducksworth of IBR has to say about this indie author fantasy novel.

This is the book cover for SL Wyllie's debut fantasy novel The Legacy of King Jasteroth, reviewed by Independent Book Review
book review

BOOK REVIEW: The Legacy of King Jasteroth

★★★★The Legacy of King Jasteroth (Vol. 1) is a promise of fantastic things to come. This first installment in debut author S.L. Wyllie’s new Fantasy series provides a fearless female protagonist, a mysteriously powerful villain in King Jasteroth, and a growing interest with each new complication.