Independent Book Review

Get Your Book Reviewed

How to get your book reviewed by Independent Book Review

You have two options:

Submit for the chance at a free book review or feature using our submission guidelines. (Have questions? FAQ below.)

Guarantee a book review within a specific timeframe using our editorial book review service. Can add social media & Amazon A+ graphics too.


How does IBR choose which books to feature?

Independent Book Review wants to sell books to readers. We want to bring indie press and self-published authors into the spotlight and show the reading world that they can put their trust in indies.

So when we’re choosing which books to feature, we pursue those titles which we believe could entice a browser into a book sale. We consider book covers, book descriptions, blurbs, price, and more when deciding to pay our reviewer to review that book.

What are my chances of being featured with a free submission?

That depends! Is your cover standing out among the hundreds of other submissions? Does your description promise something new and enticing to its reader? Have experts said good things about it? Have you published with an indie press we admire? Then, your chances are increasing!

We receive hundreds of books per month, and we publish around 30 reviews per month. We update our Books of the Month tab on our sidebar once a month, and we put out lists regularly of 30-50+ books included in them. So while it’s true that more submissions are rejected than accepted, we’ll always take flyers on books we believe can sell.

When will I know if my book was chosen?

When the book review or feature has gone live. We do not believe in putting timers on books, as they can be enjoyed long after the publication date, but if it has been over a year, there’s probably a good chance the book hasn’t been chosen.

What types of books do you review the most?

Are there any books you do not review or feature?

Do you review books that are already published?

Yup! Most books can be enjoyed years after their release, so we’re happy to review books with any release date. As long as it is still available for purchase from Amazon and/or Bookshop, we’d review it.

Should I buy a guaranteed book review?

Maybe! Maybe not! It all depends what you’re hoping to get out of it and what your budget is.

Ask yourself, do you want to guarantee a review from us in a specific amount of time? Do you want pull-quotes to use as blurbs? Do you want to make sure your book is given a fair shot by one of our reviewers so that they can review it and consider it for their list of Best Books They’ve Read This Year? Then mayyybbe! But it’s all up to you.

What does an editorial book review look like?

An IBR editorial review is a 400- to 750-word book review sent directly to your inbox within one, two, or five weeks. Once you receive the review, you can start using pull-quotes from within the review on your marketing material. We will publish the review on our website alongside the free reviews, lists, and reader-focused blog posts.