Independent Book Review

Book Review: Ever the Same

Ever the Same

by Michelle Wishner

Genre: Young Adult / Romance

ISBN: 9798888242162

Print Length: 170 pages

Publisher: Koehler Books

Reviewed by Kristine Eckart | Content Warnings: Near rape

A teenage dream that turns into a nightmare, blending the truths of real life with the fantastical love stories that readers expect from romance novels

When Sam’s family moves to a new town, her senior year in high school gets off to a rocky start. The move takes her away from her friends and the home she’s always known, and it creates a rift between her and her parents. 

But when the charming Connor takes an interest in Sam’s drawings and the school’s hottest catch, Jake, starts to pay Sam special attention too, Sam’s new life starts looking pretty good. With the addition of new friends like Jess, Lyn, and Rachel, Sam begins to believe she might be at home in her new town and have the amazing senior year she’s always wanted. All she has to do now is choose which guy she likes better, but of course, it’s never that simple. 

Soon, Connor loses Sam’s trust after withholding crucial information from her and the girls warn Sam about Jake’s past dating behaviors. As the tug of war between Jake and Sam plays out, Sam experiences the shock of her life and must learn to lean on those around her for love and support to embrace all that love means. 

“Ever the same” sounds like “I love you.” But how can he feel or even think that? I am broken. 

I loved the high school atmosphere of this one: getting ready for football games with friends, making playlists for every occasion, having sleepovers every weekend with movie marathons and junk food, and seeing friends every day which makes them feel like family. Wishner has created a familiar and accurate atmosphere for teenage readers and a nostalgic pang for older readers.

The content surrounding Sam’s interactions with Jake, especially toward the end, serves as a great example for young readers who may at some point experience something similar. It may be a shock to experience in real life, but seeing supportive actions and scenarios surrounding the trauma in a book can be a helpful guide to readers later on. It’s books like this that help teenage readers have a safe experience with life’s ordeals and offer them options on how to act in the moment and how to heal.

I can’t change what has happened. I just need to learn from it and move forward.”

If you’re looking for a little sweet and sour in your reading, Ever The Same is the book for you.

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